


Aircraft Holdings

acts as a third party to maintain that the purchase or sale of an aircraft is structured to your specific needs and expectations while mitigating liability.



Sale Transaction




Years transaction acquisition

Our commitment

“ We are committed to providing exceptional service throughout the entire buying and selling experience and Aircraft Holdings maintains that commitment long after a transaction ”

C. W. “Kip” Hayes III


“ There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly ”

Fit and sexy young black man with an afro wearing a clean unlabeled white t-shirt
Blanche Fields

Lovely Customer

“ There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly ”

Close up shot of charming caucasian female with fair straight hair dressed in pink, gently looking , smiling while listening to interesting stories and good news. tender, beautiful, young.
Blanche Fields

Lovely Customer

Our Approach

Our experience is what sets us apart from other aviation firms. Aircraft Holdings is comprised of industry leading experts, including veteran transaction and technical specialists, meaning that we are uniquely positioned to provide world-class aircraft services.

Our team’s vast knowledge and relationships is what first draws people to us, while our straightforward, approach is what keeps clients coming back time and time again.

We Do What We Say, honoring our promises and commitments to clients and fellow brokers above all else. By providing honest, yet unbiased advice is what has maintained an extraordinarily high rate of repeat business.

Aircraft Sale

For each project we establish relationships with partners who we know will help us.

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Dassault Falcon

February 27, 2022



February 27, 2022


Our Fantastic Team

Blanche Fields


Martina Ross


Frankie Kao

Art Director

Do you want to buy an aircraft?

Contact Us

For each project we establish relationships with partners who we know will help us.

Proactive and Fully Engaged

Our proven sales and marketing strategy ensures a expediated and successful transaction for our clients.

New York map
Annapolis, MD
Palm Beach, FL  
Fort Lauderdale, FL